These art projects instance a “hermeneutic impulse” in contemporary art, where the act of curating produces a site-specific duet between the artist and writer. The result is a performative, intergenerational dialogue – between a given artwork and an historical moment – that is mediated by the viewer/reader of the exhibition/publication. The following archives Juli Carson’s contribution to the “Critical Aesthetics” exhibition series, mounted at UC Irvine’s University Art Galleries, from 2005-present.
Think of it as Money!
Leaves for Burning
Malka Germania
like the delayed rays of a star
Beirut Lab — 1975 (2020)
Schmitt, You and Me
After Before
Jessica Chastain
Libidinal Economies
Salo Island
Symbolic Landscape
A Piano Played
Cabo Nombre
Criminal Case 40/61
1968: el culo te abrocho
Surfing Memory Syndrome
Between the Blinds
Live Like Him
Circa 1968
Reduced to Insults
Future of an Illusion
Truc Trang Walls